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Monday, July 30, 2007

SYTYCD Top 8 left

For those who watch So You Think You Can is the update:

New partners were arranged:
1. Lacey and Danny --> Samba
2. Jaime and Dominic --> Viennese Waltz (with a Spanish twist)
3. Kameron and Sabra --> Contemporary
4. Pasha and Lauryn --> Hip Hop
5. Sara and Neil --> Disco

Everyone did so well compared to last week. Last week seemed sort of boring to me. Here is my opinion of each:

1. Lacey and Danny: Of course very hot, Lacey I think is very good at all dances. And hello, Danny has a perfect body, and although he wasn't the best with the technical stuff, I think he did very good.
2. Jaime and Dominic: It was also good, but I did not like the choreography. I would have perferred a more traditional waltz. But Jaime I love and I thought she was really good. Dominic not so much.
3. Kameron and Sabra: I love Sabra and she was great, I also though Kameron was very good, but the judges didn't like Kameron so much.
4. Pasha and Lauryn: not a huge fan of Lauryn, but the routine by Shane Sparks was soooo good. I thought Pasha did excellent with the hip hop routine, especially considering that he's a ballroom guy. But can't go wrong with a transformer themed routine.
5. Neil and Sara: Sara is my favorite girl, and Neil is totally growing on me. I think they had the best routine for the night. Disco is was a good one.

Also with all the couple dancing, each person danced the same routine choregraphed by Wade Robson...theme was anti-war sort of...just to make a change in the world. I thought everyone did really well, but Danny especially well, he made it a bit different. So at the end of the night I voted for Sara, Jaime, and Danny!!

The results: Jaime and Lauryn were bottom two girls and Jaime got voted off. Kameron and Dominic were the bottom two boys and Kameron got voted off. I'm happy because I like Dominic but sad because I really liked Jaime more than Lauryn.

Can't wait till this coming Wednesday!!

Peace and Happiness.


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