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Saturday, March 15, 2008


So...I just finished watching the latest episode of LOST with Sun and Jin's flash-forward!! It made me made me gasp...and it made say, "what the heck, NO WAY, Walt's Dad!"

LOST has been very good since they started up this season with the flash-forwards...but so much has gone on and I'm really missing our post-LOST discussions at Scripps. So, here are my questions and concerns:

1. Where is Walt?? hopefully we find that out in the upcoming episode.

2. Would you trust the captain, or what is really going on with this Whitmore dude? Obviously the island has mystical powers and heals and all that, but do you really think Ben is looking out for the island's own safety?

3. In the episode of Kate's that baby at the end really her baby, or do you think it could Aaron, Claire's baby.

4. So now we know that Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sun are one of the Oceanic 6...(did I miss anyone else?) there should be two more. Do you think Jin dies on the island, in transit of getting off, or when they arrived already in Korea? (So I have to admit, I did shed a little tear when I found out Jin sad)

5. What is up with the new explorers that were sent to the island? what do you think their actual objective is? and the episode with Desmond's time far one of my most favorite ones of the season.

I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the show...I dunno if anyone checks this blog thing anymore...I'll send an e-mail update, cause I need answers!!

Peace out bean sprout.


ps. this is a little pic of my new puppy...well she's now 8 months and she's pretty big for a puppy, her name is Nani, isn't she pretty...


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