Life without the Barbas Lab ain't so bad...whats up with you?? Here is a way we can all keep in touch...even for those of us east coast or out of the country.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nothing to do with LOST

So this has nothing to do with LOST, but during Christmas I ran into Caren Lund at Extraordinary Desserts!! And she was totally preggy! She's now living in Virginia? one of those states on the east coast. She's married to Joe, and they are expecting their first baby! So sweet, and it was really nice to run into her. She's still the same very sweet Caren.


Blogger Beita said...

That is a really nice picture.!!!

10:33 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Lily...didnt know this thing still existed. Good to know...if anything exciting pops up in my life (NOT!). Did you know Uli sent another postcard to the lab...from Thailand. Yes, he is rubbing in again with his 6 weeks vacation every year. I think he was there for 3 weeks...lucky man.

9:47 PM


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